Reference Request Form

    Name of applicant

    Position applied for

    How long have you known the applicant

    What position/s was the applicant employed with you


    Organisation ability


    Supervisory skills

    Professional Competence

    Other staff

    Patients (if applicable)

    Days sick during the last 12 months

    Other leave of absence

    Would you be willing to re-employ the application

    Have you had any reason to instigate disciplinary action against the applicant ?

    Are you aware of any criminal conviction the applicant may have ? The Healthcare Industry is
    exempt from Rehabilitation of Offenders Legislation therefore, spent convictions are applicable.

    Is there any reason why you believe applicant should not work in the community

    Do you consider the applicant suitable for the position ?

    Other comments relating to suitability

    Referee Name


    Referee’s telephone number

    Referee’s contact details (address) Position